After more than a quarter of a century of housekeeping, my dream of home waterworks has been realized.
Always I had worked and hoped for this, but always the money had to go for something else. There was land to be paid for, the children to be educated and—but it's the same old story. All farm women know it by heart.
I cannot help wondering why our men do not put in a water system first of all, and let other things wait. It is so easy and simple to install, costs little in upkeep, and its value in saving time, strength and health is worth much more than it costs.
The “Old Oaken Bucket,” celebrated in song and story, is picturesque, but right there its desirability ends.
A little money made by following my girlhood hobby—writing, enabled me to have a water system put in at my own expense. An electrical pump brings water by air pressure from the bottom of our ice-cold well on the back porch to my shining kitchen sink.
My tiny bathroom, snow white, is an unspeakable joy. A hot water boiler behind the range gives me quantities of scalding water on tap. My husband revels in the convenience of water piped to the barn.
Now I feel that I have a real home.
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Dear Editor
DEAR EDITOR: AN UNSPEAKABLE JOY; by "At-last" from South Carolina; 1935