I went through my September 1923 The Farmer's Wife issue, looking for current prices. I know wages have changed and things aren't as cheap as they appear, but I still have to work at not being envious of the farm wives in 1923!

Here they are advertising Congoleum Rugs. Actually these "rugs" are large pieces of linoleum. They range in price from 1.5 x 3 feet for $.60; 3 x 6 feet for $2.50; 6 x 9 feet for $9.00; and 9 x 12 for $18.00.

These chicks would cost about $3.00 each where I live

Note: The Farmer's Wife magazines are large, 11" x 17."  That is why they must be cut down sometimes.

What would you prefer? One car for $525 or...

Two non-electric Victrolas (record players) for $500?

It is bad enough to be Stout, but what about Extra Stout! (bottom left corner)

25 cents a tube

And finally, my all time favorite--a 120 acre farm with all of the trimmings, for only $3,000. We cannot buy one acre of tillable land here in Wisconsin in 2012 for $3,000!

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