In spite of the hardships imposed on us by bad times, I'm not sorry we in this little community are poor this winter.
In the fall, one fine mother, concerned because her children were receiving no religious training, suggested that some of us who like to sing, go from house to house to learn the old church hymns. One reason these “sings” drew unexpected crowds was that people couldn't afford more expensive social expression.
From this small beginning grew several fine activities. A minister, hearing of the community singing, urged us to start a church school. His help, so generously given, was all the impetus needed. Last Sunday there was a school of ninety, mostly young people and children, a live school that promises to be permanent.
There is a large group of peppy young people there. Very little money is available for pool and movies, so an athletic association has been formed and the community hall fitted for basket ball.
Don't think the young folks have all the pep, though. There is a married women's team, too, and some of the snappiest players are—well--around forty. Although some of our activities of other years are taboo just now, still we're having “more darn fun.”
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Community Work and Fun
"MORE DARN FUN," Mrs. C. C., Minnesota; April 1931